JURAGAN INDOOR, berasal dari sebutan community (alias sahabat yang pernah penelitian, praktek, magang atau pelatihan di INDOOR meskipun sering juga karena merasa sebagai JURAGAN……he69x!). Karena nampaknya, sudah terlanjur banyak yang mengenal, terutama di media sosial, nama JURAGAN INDOOR akhirnya tetap digunakan.
Saya bersyukur, sudah punya kesempatan malang melintang di dunia lumpur, air kolam sampe begadang nungguin ikan pada kawin atau nyipon (paralun….bagi yang merasa “terpaksa” harus menemani atau kesedak air bekas tetasan telur). Karena sering jadi “ganjel”, sempat juga keliling Jawa, masuk Riau dan Palembang, nyampe papua juga (utk urusan suntik dan stripping ikan), dan beberapa daerah lainnya. Karena urusan ikan juga, sempat juga menikmati perjalanan ke luar negeri, dari Asia hingga Afrika.
Punya ekspertise (biar gaya gitu…he69x! dan bukan sombong) bidang genetika dan pemijahan ikan (fish genetic & reproduction), pengembangan, diseminasi dan sertifikasi budidaya perikanan (aquaculture development, extention n certification) dan suplai alat perikanan dan lingkungan (environmental and aquaculture suplier).
Berpartisipasi di World Aquaculture Society, Society for Cryobiology, Indonesian Network of Fish Genetic Research and Development, Masyarakat Akuakultur Indonesia, Forum Gurame, Forum Lele dan Ikatan Sarjana Perikanan Indonesia.
Nyaris tidak dapat dipercaya, setelah berkarir sejak Tahun 1998, baru pertama kali mendapat sertifikat sebagai PESERTA pelatihan yaitu pada Advanced Freshwater Aquaculture Training di Thailand Tahun 2008 dan menjadi THE BEST PARTICIPANT. Tahun 2010, punya kesempatan untuk mengikuti Seminar on Aquaculture Development and Industrialization di Wuxi China. Bahkan pada Tahun 2011 berkesempatan mengunjungi Kenya dan Uganda sebagai Visiting Expert untuk tranfer adaptive technology on Catfish and Tilapia.
I’m an aquaculture practitioner in National Freshwater Aquaculture Center in Sukabumi, a government agency under Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry, Indonesia. I graduated a BSc honours from Departement of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries, Bogor Agricultural University in 1997, master degree from Biology Programme, Master Degree Programme, University of Jenderal Soedirman in 2007, and trainned of Fish Culture Training in Sukabumi in 1997 and Advanced Freshwater Aquaculture in Thailand in 2008. In 2010, attended a Seminar on Aquaculture Development and Industrialization in Wuxi, China. In 2011, takes opportunity to visit Kenya and Uganda as Visiting Expert to Adaptive Technology Transfer on Catfish and Tilapia Culture as well as in 2013 in Kenya.
I joined in our Center since 1997 and focused in research and dissemination. Our team research emphased on fish reproduction dan genetic improvement of eel, catfish and labyrinth fish, either introduce or indigenous species. Aquaculture development and extension were our dissemination programs. Prime result of our team was SANGKURIANG catfish, a genetic improvement using backcross strategy. The SANGKURIANG has registered as prominent fish by Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in 2004. Thousands broodfish have been distributed to Regional Broodfish Center and selected fisherfolk farm as an effort to increase production. Other researches have been conducting, i.e further genetic improvement on catfish and Indonesian gouramy, hormonal induction on artificial breeding of Osphronemus goramy, eel production and fish sperm cryopreservation.
In 2013, I received an award known as SatyaLancana Wirakarya from President of Republic of Indonesia.
Some selected meeting has followed, i.e:
- Asia-Pasific Aquaculture. World Aquaculture Society. Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. Dec 2013. As Presenter
- National Meeting of Broodstock Center on Catfish, Common Carp and Tilapia. Main Center for Freshwater Aquaculture Development. Sukabumi, June 2-4 2010. As Presenter
- Seminar on Aquaculture Development and Industrialization for ASEAN. Ministry of Agriculture, the People’s Republic of China. Wuxi, China April 16 – May 6, 2010. As Participant
- National Seminar of Biosistematic Rules on Natural Resources Management in Indonesia. Faculty of Biology, University of General Soedirman. Purwokerto, December 12 2009. As Presenter
- Indonesian Aquaculture Conference 2009, Indonesian Aquaculture Society, Yogyakarta, 27 – 29 October 2009. As Presenter
- World Ocean Conference, Manado, Indonesia, 12 – 15 May 2009. As Participant
- Indoaqua 2008. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. Republic of Indonesia. Yogyakarta, November 18-21, 2008. As Presenter
- Fisheries National Seminar. Gajah Mada University. Yogya, July 28 2007. As Presenter
- Fisheries and Marine Science Conference. Indonesian Fisheries and Marine Society. Bogor, July 17-18 2007. As Presenter
- Aquaculture Indonesia 2007. Indonesian Aquaculture Society. Surabaya, June 5-7 2007. As Presenter
- Binnual Meeting INFIGRAD (Indonesian Network for Fish Genetic Research and Development) / Gourami Forum. Marine and Fisheries Research Board, Center for Aquaculture Research. Bogor, September 19, 2006. As participant.
- Biotechnology in Aquaculture Workshop. Aquaculture Department. Bogor Agricultural University. Bogor, July 05, 2006. As participant.
- Workshop on Aquaculture of Goramy. Directorate General of Aquaculture. Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry. Purwokerto, July, 27-29 2006. As participant.
- World Aquaculture 2005. World Aquaculture Society. Bali, May 9-13, 2005. As Presenter.
- Extension Networking Seminar. Indonesia and Japan Technical Cooperation Freshwater Aquaculture Development Project. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Banjarmasin, Augusts 10, 2004. As participant.
I joined in some professional organization, i.e : World Aquaculture Society, Society for Cryobiology, Indonesian Network of Fish Genetic Research and Development, Indonesian Aquaculture Society
updated Mar 12 2018