Synthesis: Aquaculture Development & Industrialization

Although aquaculture in China has been began more than 2.000 years ago (i.e. Fanli’s book) and a new era of freshwater aquaculture initiated in 1960’s (the breakthrough of induced breeding technology of Chinese carps and eight-word principle for intensive aquaculture), significant achievement of aquaculture production reached since 1990’s as well as international trade on aquatic product. The great achievement corresponds to the establishment of new China, under the new political system. In particular, since the “reform and opening to the world” in China, it was introduced the market system with innovation in China fishery development, and fishery became an important industry with fast speed and high efficiency in agriculture China fishery has made great achievements. It is showed that aquaculture development more determine by government policy than company/fish farmer initiative.

China succeeds to establish aquaculture production either for in-country consumption or international trade. However, there is a different focus on species choice for both purposes. For in-country consumption, production originated from 7 conventional freshwater species, i.e. grass carp, silver carp, bighead carp, common carp, crucian carp, wuchang carp and black carp (up to 70% of aquaculture production); and for export purpose contributed from shrimp, shellfish, tilapia, eel, freshwater crayfish, yellow croaker and channel catfish (30% of aquaculture production). It is mean that most of aquatic product just consumed for domestic purpose and they produce only high-value species for international purpose.

Enhancement of aquaculture production and industrialization have been done through develop integrated management system on pre-production, inter-production and post-production. On pre-production, China established regional distribution of aquaculture industry and supported aquaculture equipment industry, including government subsidies for manufacture. On inter-production, China has been improved aquatic varieties as well as key technology of production and sustainable resources approach. On post-production, China developed aquatic product processing, government leading on aquaculture promotion and implementing of market management.
Peningkatan signifikan pada produksi akuakultur di China dicapai mulai 90’s, terutama berkaitan dengan perubahan kebijakan pemerintahnya melakukan reformasi dan membuka diri terhadap dunia. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kemajuan akuakultur China lebih ditentukan oleh kebijakan pemerintah dibandingkan dengan peran atau inisiatif swasta

Produksi akuakultur China merupakan terbesar di dunia sejalan dengan kemampuan ekspornya. Namun ternyata, terdapat perbedaan fokus pada pemilihan spesies. Untuk konsumsi dalam negeri, China fokus pada tujuh spesies konvensional sedangkan untuk perdagangan internasional mereka focus pada ikan lain yang memiliki nilai tinggi. Ini berarti bahwa produksi akuakultur yang tinggi hanya untuk dikonsumsi dalam negeri.

Peningkatan produksi akuakultur juga ditunjang oleh pengembangan sistem terintegrasi pada pra, inter dan pasca-produksi. Semua komponen yang berperan pada ketiga tahap tersebut didukung spepnuhnya oleh pemerintah, termasuk pemberian subsidi.

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