Aquaculture Adaptive Technology: Outdoor Plastic-Based Pond for African Catfish Production in Small Scale Fish Farmer

Ade Sunarma*, Kesit Tisnawibowo, Abduh Nurhidajat, Sarifin Main Center for Freshwater Aquaculture Development, Jl. Selabintana 37 Sukabumi 43114 Indonesia email: As an introduced species in Indonesia aquaculture, African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) has been cultured widespread along the country. After… Read moreAquaculture Adaptive Technology: Outdoor Plastic-Based Pond for African Catfish Production in Small Scale Fish Farmer

Five Populations of African Catfish Based on Different Introduced-History to Indonesia: Purebred and Its Seed Crossbred Performance

Five Populations of African Catfish Based on Different Introduced-History to Indonesia: Purebred and Its Seed Crossbred Performance Ade Sunarma*, Odang Carman, Komar Sumantadinata, Alimuddin, Putri Zulfania Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia Abstract… Read moreFive Populations of African Catfish Based on Different Introduced-History to Indonesia: Purebred and Its Seed Crossbred Performance