The World Ocean Conference (WOC), held in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, 11-15 May 2009, is intended as a forum for the world community to discuss current issues in the oceans sector, paticularly as they relate to climate change, in order to achieve international agreement and draw up an adaptive strategy for the sustainable use of marine resources for the benefit of humanity.
WOC 2009 culminates with the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) Leader’s Summit which is attended by the Heads of State/Goverment of the six CT countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands and Timor Leste). A new, six-country Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI) was launched at a Leaders Summit in Manado, NorthSulawesi. The 10-year Regional CTI Plan of Action sets time-bound steps to address growing threats to the region’s coral reefs, fisheries,mangroves, threatened species and other marine and coastal living resources. This Initiative recognizes the urgent need to address the poverty afflicting the people of the Coral Triangle countries, in particular the coastal communities, and to meet relevant internationally agreed development goals, including the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
Covering only 2% of the world’s ocean, the Coral Triangle contains 76% of all known coral species. It is also brimming with an extraordinary variety of fish due to this high coral diversity. Over 120 million people directly depend on the bounty of these seas for their food and income. The value of fisheries, tourism and shoreline protection from coral reefs,mangroves and associated habitats is estimated at US$2.3 billion annually.
In addition to the Conference and the CTI Summit, there are other events, i.e.:
– Global Ocean Policy Day
– International Symposium on Ocean Science, Technology and Policy
– International Exhibition on Ocean Science, Technology, and Industry
– Other side events: First Expert Meeting on FishWatch Asia-Pasific; Seminar on Lessons Learned in Water Projects; Seminar on Marine and Coastal Management in the Asia-Pasific Region: Experience and Challenges; Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Strategies and Actions for Coastal Areas; Workshop on Introducing Google Earth (and Ocean) to Marine Resource Managers, Community Leaders and Students.
Many bilateral and multilateral meeting have also been scheduled, i.e.:
– Developing 8 Consultative Meeting on Marine and Fisheries Issues
– US NOAA and Indonesia MMAF Joint Committee Meeting,
– Indonesia and Germany Steering Committee on Earth and Ocean Sciences,
– Meeting of the Regional Seas Directors.
Around 1.500 scientists and officials from 80 countries attend the conference and summit.
ref:; Jakarta post