june 05
“understanding pond dynamicx is basic to pond management and to achieve sustainable aquaculture”
There’re several waters environment could be used for aquaculture production, i.e.:
– natural water body: lake and watershed ponds,
– artificial excavation: pond, quarry, pit and reservoir,
– flow through: river, raceway, running water pond,
– recirculation water
– cage & pen.
Varying organism could be used in aquaculture production, including.:
– plants: micro & macro algae, aquarium plant,
– invertebrate: plankton, benthos, macroinvertebrate (crustaceans and mollusks),
– finfish,
– other: amphibian, reptile and mammals.
Pond, as an aquaculture environment, comprises air, water and substrate which could be interacted each others. the interactions lead to change in physical, chemical and biological features, either temporal (time) variation or spatial (horizontal and vertical) variation. understanding its interaction, as pond dynamic, is basic to pond management and to achieve sustainable aquaculture.
recapped from C.K.Lin