Fishery Food Safety and Standard Farm

june 04

Food safety is a global issue that should be concerned in aquaculture production. In aquaculture, food safety to be dealt to chemical contamination, residues, fish borne zoonoses and microbiological contamination.
Since 1990’s, two main regulatory have been implemented through the WTO, such as: Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures (SPS) and Technical Barries to Trade (TBT). Both regulatory in order to ensure no or minimal loss due to lost export opportunities. But, due to consumer demand, there is a need to look at the full production chain in aquaculture process by implementation HACCP. By WHO, there are seven principles of the HACCP system to adapted to aquaculture production, i.e.
1. Conduct a hazard analysis
2. Determine critical control point (CCP)
3. Establish critical limit
4. Establish a system to monitor of the CCP
5. Establish corrective actions
6. Establish procedures for verification
7. Establish a system of documentation
Whereas, potencial CCP for food safety in aquaculture, involve: site selection, water quality, feed supply, production (grow out), verification procedures and record keeping. By the case of Thailand shrimp, there’re two standard to implement at farm level, i.e.: Good Aquaculture Practices(GAP) and Code of Conduct for Responsible Shrimp Aquaculture (CoC). CoC coverage five key element for sustainables management of aquaculture, i.e.: food safety, environmental impacts, social responsibility, animal health and welfare, and traceability.


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