Maskur, Ceno Harimurti Adi, Endang Mudjiutami, Ade Sunarma
dipresentasikan pada “Aquaculture 2007”, World Aquaculture Society Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, February 26 – March 2, 2007
Maskur, Ceno Harimurti Adi, Endang Mudjiutami, Ade Sunarma
presented at “Aquaculture 2007”, World Aquaculture Society Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, February 26 – March 2, 2007
Main Center for Freshwater Aquaculture Development (MCFAD) Sukabumi is the Technically Implementing Unit of Ministry of Marine Affairs under responsibility of Directorate of Aquaculture. One of its jobs is to produce the good quality of broodstock as The Broodstock Center. The other out put of MCFAD activities are producing the technology of genetic, fish health and nutrition.
In case of African Catfish, MCFAD focused broodstock management to increase a better broodstock. In July 2004, the ministry has released Lele Sangkuriang as result of genetic improvement technology that had conducted by MCFAD Sukabumi. Amount of 1035 fishes and 1324 fishes of registered broodstock and young broodstock had been distributed by MCFAD in 2004 and 2005 respectively to many local goverments as and The Broodstock Regional and some of them directly distributed to the farmer. The training course to the local government employee and some farmers has been conducted in MCFAD before they accept the fishes.
The farmers in some areas produced the seed of African catfish using protocol from MCFAD, and based of their information, the seed production was increased. The evaluation have conducted also by MCFAD using survey program to monitor the quality of the broodstock.